
Tomorrow my deer   quaerendi ac disserendi, quae logikh dicitur, iste vester plane, ut mihi quidem videtur, inermis ac nudus est. tollit definitiones, nihil de dividendo ac partiendo docet, non quo modo efficiatur concludaturque ratio tradit, non qua via captiosa solvantur ambigua distinguantur ostendit; iudicia rerum in sensibus ponit, quibus si semel aliquid falsi pro vero probatum sit, sublatum esse omne iudicium veri et fa



The Trains had passed platform 9 weekly, Sid was

smoking over in the corner with this Chuhdually school girl

who'd been left behind some years back and got stuck

She'd made remarks of how boring school was and the

jealousy of the other girls over her being able to accept age






[22] The castlemaine line understood waved and cheered at Baker who'd seen a chest although valed in team  hsad stood in black their power waved Atlas adventure rulein in their mind which hammpered causing views rendering insanity and hair do's to see raged in perspex That flexed his brain little as it stood in its lonely partner 


   Off The Train
it was a wild ride the other Chuhdually City
trains had passed Elsa had a memory for them
till now time had passed quietly through the lines
a kindly stranger on the passage had shared his phone
news and views along the way
and trouble spots
She was notably well and even spotted calfs outside horizon
there wasn't an awful lot of room in the stilling passages and squeaks
from tilling travellers caught her unawares more than once fences rose
a lengthy train journey 14, days to






next little blogs!